12 September 2009

Sunshine and Gardening

Today is the third day of gorgeous warm sunshine and pale blue skies here in the west of Ireland.

Its heaven. Its a sheer joy to sit with limbs and skin exposed to the warmth and feel some of the pain just ebb away. Maybe its the lovely feeling of warmth on the skin, but to me heat is one of the most instant and noticeable forms of pain relief.

I have pottered in the garden with 'rests' in between with my legs up and a good book... and at times the sheer pleasure of it makes me forget the sluggish feeling and the all over hurt. I can understand why people emigrate to warmer climates.

Only problem with that is you have to leave behind your good friends. And they are as important as heat.

Besides, you have to be pretty well off to be able to afford to move country !

However, I have the perfect solution... win the Euromillions and then buy a second home on a remote Greek island, or if you prefer more action, southern Spain... then spend your life between Ireland and the warmth of the med sun... MMMM.

I also love being warm ! And dreaming...

Well now its back to the polytunnel as I have a jungle of weeds in there that I remove bit by bit. I won't use weedkiller as I like to grow my veggies and fruit as organically as I can.

I am what I eat.

It is also good gentle all over exercise. I just have to watch my back as I have arthritis in my spine also.

H Pylori & Manuka Honey Treatment

I am still taking the Manuka honey about 30 minutes before every meal and I am extremely happy (and amazed) to report that I have not had a 'sore' stomach for over 5 days now. According to all treatment plans with Manuka, you need to keep taking it for between 2 and 4 months to ensure that all H Pylori are totally killed off and don't return when you stop. So naturally I will keep going (besides it tastes heavenly).

Cutting Out Wheat and Grains

It has been a week now since I ate any grains, and I can't say that I notice any difference in my pain levels or the inflammation. One thing I can say is rather different is that I don't feel as bloated around the middle, more comfortable somehow, less fat in the tummy !

I will try and stick to it for another week, just in case.

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