6 September 2009

Food and Rheumatoid Arthritis - An Experiment

I have long been aware that after some meals etc I feel a lot worse, generally, all over. Especially the inflammation and its effects.

I know that potatoes can make me sweat and feel odd, and alcohol gives me a temperature and makes the RA 10 times worse almost straight away...

But I have never tried proper exclusion diets to see if certain food groups are causing some of the extra pain, stiffness and general feeling of illness.

I was recently reading an article about lectins, the different kinds and the different food groups they are in (
www.krispin.com/lectin.html). I had found it when searching through google for information on food and RA. It adds a lot of little missing links in the info I already have in my head... and was very interesting.

So, as an experiment, starting yesterday I have cut out the first food group containing a certain kind of lectin, that is grains containing gluten. This is all grains, including wheat, quinoa, rice, buckwheat, oats, rye, barley, millet and corn. This naturally means I won't eat grain vinegar and alcohol, among many other things. I don't eat many processed products, so I won't have to check many labels !

I will stick to this for 2 weeks and then see what is different, if anything.

After that I will, in turn, cut out legumes (all beans), dairy, and finally the nightshade family (potatoes, tomatoes, aubergines aka egg plant, and pepper/peppers).

At this point, going on my past instant reactions to potatoes, I suspect the final group, the nightshade family. But only by doing this clinically will I find out for sure if any of these groups are aggravating my system.

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